When to get help
This information is about when to get help for your mental health.
It has information on
- Feelings that we all have
- When to get help
Feelings can make you feel different things.
Everyone has feelings that make them feel bad.
You can be
- Upset
- Sad
- Worried
- Angry
It is OK to feel bad sometimes.
Feelings that make us feel bad usually go away.
If you have feelings that make you feel bad for a short time it does not mean you have a mental health problem.
A mental health problem is when your feelings start to worry you.
It can be when you cannot control your feelings.
You might not be able to calm your feelings to think clearly.
You might feel different to the way you usually do.
Sometimes it can be hard to know if you need to get help for your mental health.
Below are some examples of when it is important to get help.
You can use the information here to help you to decide when to get help.
It is important to get help when you are in a crisis.
A crisis is when you are in danger or are very upset.
You are in danger if you could be hurt or injured.
It is important to get help if you have thoughts of harming yourself or others.
For more information about a crisis click emergency help
You can get help to find out ways to have good mental health.
You can also get help if you are worried you might have a mental health problem.
Stressful things
You should get help if stressful things have been happening in your life.
It can be stressful when things in life change.
Other things that are stressful can be
- Problems at home
- Problems at your disability service
- Experiencing bullying
- Problems with friends
Bullying is when someone or a group of people are mean to you on purpose.
This could be more than one time.
Worries about the future
It is good to get support if you cannot stop worrying about your future.
You might not want to communicate with anyone yet.
That is OK.
If you decide that you would like to get help for your mental health you can search for support.
For more information on services and supports for your mental health go to https://www.idmhconnect.health/where-start-get-help/ER
Emergency help card
An Emergency help card can keep you and others safe in a crisis.
An Emergency help card can support you and others to
- Know what to do in a crisis
- Know who to contact in a crisis
- Call phone lines that can support you in a crisis
You can use the Emergency help card template below to make an Emergency Card that is right for you.
For more information about the Emergency help card go to https://idmhconnect.health/emergency-help-template/ER
There are some tricky words on this Easy Read page.
For more information about these words go to