Resources for family and support persons

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Carer services and supports


Carers NSW

Description: Carers' organisation aimed at providing information, education and resources to support carers. Use the Carer support group directory to help find support services near you.

Type: Website and organisation


Carer Gateway

Description: An Australian Government program providing free services and support for carers.

Type: Website


Mental Health Carers NSW

DescriptionPeak body for mental health carers in NSW. They engage in advocacy to reflect the voices and needs of carers and drive change in the mental health system.

TypeWebsite and organisation


Mental Health Carers Australia

DescriptionNational advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of families and carers supporting someone with mental ill health.

Type: Website and advocacy group


Siblings Australia

Description: Information and support for siblings of children and adults with disability.

Type: Website




Carer Gateway – Community Forum

DescriptionThe Carer Forum provides a safe and anonymous space to connect with other carers and to support each other.

Type: Online forum


Beyond Blue – Online Forums

DescriptionOnline forums for carers who are supporting someone with a mental health problem.

Type: Online forum


SANE Australia Forums

DescriptionLived experience, family, carer and friends’ forums run by SANE Australia.

Type: Online forum


ReachOut – Parent Discussion Forum

DescriptionA discussion forum for parents to share and discuss concerns, and explore ideas and options.

Type: Online forum




ReachOut – Self-care resources

Description: A collection of self-care resources and articles.

Type: Website resources


People Share Their Self-care Routines

DescriptionVideo where people share what self-care means to them and the kinds of activities they do.



THIS WAY UP – Coping and Resilience Tools

DescriptionFree online tools to help you cope with tough times and build resilience.

TypeSelf-help tool


Mental health information


3DN's Intellectual Disability Health Education  Carers and Family courses

Description: Free online learning courses to help carers and family members learn about mental health when supporting a person with intellectual disability. They were written with advice and input from carers and aim to help carers learn about what to do if they think the person needs support.

Type: e-Learning


Beyond Blue

Description: Beyond Blue provide information about mental health and mental health problems. They also have a telephone and online counselling service for anyone experiencing mental health problems- 1300 22 4636.

Type: Information website and phone Support Service


Black Dog Institute

Description: The Black Dog Institute provide mental health resources and support tools, include Healthy Mind for people with intellectual disability, to help manage mental health problems. 

Type: Information website



DescriptionMental health information and support for young people aged 12-25.



Head to Health

Description: Head to Health contains resources, apps, online programs, online forums and phone services that can help to support mental health.

Type: Website


WayAhead Mental Health Information Line

Description: This phone support service provides information, support and referral on issues relating to mental health generally. You can call them on 1300 794 991.

TypePhone support service


NSW Mental Health Line

DescriptionYou can ring the Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511 any time, on any day. The mental health worker will ask you questions about your mental health and what sort of help you need. They may refer you to the local mental health team or they may give you information and contact details about other services that can help you.

TypePhone support service


Finding services


Carer Connection Helpline

Description: The Carer Connection Helpline assists mental health carers to navigate the NSW mental health system. They can be contacted on 1300 554 660 from 9am to 5pm on weekdays.

Type: Phone Support service


My Lived iD

Description: Information and resources to support the mental health and wellbeing of people with intellectual disability. There is a searchable directory of mental health services Australia wide.

Type: Website and directory


healthdirect Find a Health Service

Description: healthdirect has a search directory for health services in addition to clear introductory information on a range of health and mental health topics.

Type: Directory and information website


Disability Gateway

Description: Information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers to find the support they need.

Type: Website


National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Description: Information about the NDIS and NDIS plans.

Type: Website


Australian Psychological Society – Find a Psychologist

DescriptionDirectory to help find a psychologist in your local area.



Your Health in Mind –Find a Psychiatrist

DescriptionDirectory to help find a psychiatrist in your local area.



Decision making and guardianship


WA's Individualised Services – Supported Decision Making

DescriptionA website with information and resources about supported decision-making. There are Easy Read resources and templates available.



ADACAS Advocacy – Support My Decisions

DescriptionA website with information, tools and resources about supported decision-making.



NSW Trustee & Guardian – Supported Decision-Making and Capacity

DescriptionInformation about what supported decision-making is and what it means to lack capacity to make decisions.



Capacity Toolkit

DescriptionA toolkit that aims to help in correctly identifying whether an individual has the capacity to make a decision.



Carers NSW – Planning Ahead


DescriptionInformation about helping a person to plan ahead, including information about Advance Care Planning, guardianship, Power of Attorney and emergency planning.



Carer Gateway – Planning for the Future

DescriptionInformation about how support networks can help a person plan for the future, including information about Advance Care Planning.



Rights, advocacy and complaints


Disability Advocacy Network Australia

DescriptionDANA is the national representative body for a network of advocacy organisations throughout Australia. You can find information about advocacy and a list of advocacy organisations.

TypeWebsite and organisation


People with Disability Australia – Individual Advocacy

DescriptionInformation about how People with Disability Australia can help you find an advocate.

TypeAdvocacy service


Find a Self-Advocacy Group

DescriptionSearch for a self-advocacy group in your state or territory.



Intellectual Disability Rights Service

DescriptionA free legal advocacy service for people with intellectual disability.

TypeAdvocacy Service


Mental Health Advocacy Service

DescriptionA statewide service of Legal Aid NSW that provides free legal information and assistance relating to mental health.

TypeAdvocacy service


Health Care Complaints Commission

DescriptionAn independent body that deals with complaints about all health services and providers in NSW. Their website provides information to consumers and health care providers.

TypeComplaints service




Stopping Over Medication of People with a Learning Disability, Autism or Both (STOMP)

DescriptionSTOMP is a national project in the UK providing information about stopping the over medication of people with intellectual disability, autism or both with psychotropics (medications commonly used to treat mental health disorders).



Medication Pathway (STOMP)

DescriptionA medication pathway that can help with ensuring people with intellectual disability, autism or both only take the medication they need safely.



Your Health in Mind – Medication for Mental Illness

DescriptionInformation from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists about medication for mental illness and how to safely obtain medication.



healthdirect – Psychotherapy

DescriptionAn introduction to different types of psychotherapy, or talking therapies, commonly used to help treat mental health concerns.

TypeInformation website




Coping strategy diary

Description: Diary that can be used by carers, family, and support workers to record how a person with intellectual disability is using coping strategies they have learnt.

Type: Diary tool


Supporting the mental health assessment process – A checklist tool for disability professionals

DescriptionThis tool outlines key considerations and actions to take to support a person with intellectual disability during the mental health assessment process. It is designed for support workers and other disability professionals to use as a checklist and planning tool.

Type: Checklist tool


The Wellbeing Record (3DN)

DescriptionA resource that can be used to record the wellbeing of a person with intellectual disability and any changes that occur.



Hospital Communication Book

DescriptionThe Hospital Communication Book contains useful tips to improve communication, and pages of pictures that can be used to aid communication in health settings.

TypeCommunication tool


Health passports


My Mental Health Passport 

DescriptionPeople with intellectual disability can use this passport to record information about their mental health to share with health professionals.

TypeEasy Read mental health passport3


My Health Matters

DescriptionA folder from the Council for Intellectual Disability designed to improve communication between a person with intellectual disability and their health care providers. It brings together information about the person's preferred communication methods, personal routines and moods.

TypeHealth passport


Admission2Discharge (A2D) Together Folder

DescriptionA folder that brings together information about a person's health, medications, and likes and dislikes.

TypeHealth Passport


Health Passports and Hospital Companion Documents

DescriptionExamples of different health passports that can be helpful.
