I am family or a support person

Information for a family member or support person

This section provides information for anyone who supports a person with intellectual disability. Here carers, family members, support workers, friends and advocates can find information on a range of topics including:

  • how you can recognise mental health problems in a person with intellectual disability,
  • how you can support a person from finding the right mental health support to recovery, and
  • how you can take care of yourself.

This section builds on the information provided in the I am a person with intellectual disabilitysection. Support networks will likely find it helpful to also view this section. You may wish to provide the person you support with information from this section, support them to use it, or view it for ideas to help explain difficult concepts.

Support workers will find information relevant to their role both in this section and the Professionals’ section.

You will also find more information in the Resources section.

Do you need help to search?

Let the Search Assistant know who you are and what you are looking for and it will take you to the information.


Tell us what you think about the website!

We are looking for feedback on this website.

You can take part in a feedback study until the end of September 2023.

You can take part in a 10-15 minute survey. You can also choose to take part in an interview.

For more details go to the study information page.

Thank you.


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