Supports for LGBTQ+ people
LGBTQ+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning.
- Lesbian means women who are attracted to women.
- Gay means men who are attracted to men.
- Bisexual means people who are attracted to both men and women.
- Transgender refers to people who are now a different gender to the one that they were given when they were born.
- Questioning is if you feel that you might not be heterosexual but you are not sure.
A heterosexual person is a woman who is attracted to men or a man who is attracted to women.
For more information see the section for LGBTQ+ people.
Services and supports for LGBTQ+ people include the following:
- Family Planning NSW’s Sexuality and Disability Service is for people with intellectual disability and helps to support their sexuality needs. For people with an NDIS plan, the sessions are included in the person’s NDIS plan.
- Family Planning NSW also has a group of Easy Read factsheets called All About Sex, which covers many topics, including relationships, sexual health, and sexual identity.
- CHANGE has an Easy Read guide on being LGBTQ+. They are an organisation that is in the UK.
- Twenty10 provides counselling, mental health support and social support services to people in NSW between 12 and 25 years old who identify as LGBTQ+. The services are for everyone, not just people with intellectual disability.
- QLife is a chatline that provides free LGBTQ+ peer support and referrals. You can call them on the phone on 1800 184 527 or chat to them online. They are available between 3pm and midnight every day.
- Relationships & Private Stuff has counselling and workshops about relationships for people with disability. For people with an NDIS plan, there are some workshops about relationships that can be included in your plan.
- Sydney Queer and Disability Community (SQuAD) is a community group on Facebook that raises awareness for LGBTQ+ people with disabilities.
- Rainbow Rights and Advocacy is a self-advocacy group. It is run by and for LGBTQ+ people with intellectual disability.