I am a professional

Information for professionals

This section provides information for professionals on working with people with intellectual disability.

There is tailored information for:

  • mainstream mental health professionals and GPs
  • professionals who work in other health, disability, and social services. 

People with intellectual disability are more likely to experience mental illness than the general population, but face barriers to accessing care from mainstream services.

All professionals have a role in supporting the mental health of people with intellectual disability and can play a key role in advocating for people if they face barriers to services.

Professionals may also like to view the sections for people with intellectual disability and their family and support persons. Here you will find information you can provide to individuals and discuss.

Support workers will also find practical information on supporting a person with intellectual disability’s mental health in the I am family or a support person section. 

See the video below for more information about Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect.

Do you need help to search?

Let the Search Assistant know who you are and what you are looking for and it will take you to the information.
Introduction to Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect from Professor Julian Trollor and Tahli Hind


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You can take part in a feedback study until the end of September 2023.

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For more details go to the study information page.

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