I am not feeling better

If your treatment is not making you feel better, you can let your GP or mental health worker know. A GP is the doctor that you see when are sick or need a health check. A GP is also known as a general practitioner.


You can make an appointment with your GP or mental health worker

You may want to note down what you want to tell them and any questions you might have. They may suggest changes to your treatment, or a different treatment.


If you are taking medication

If you are taking medication, they may suggest a change in how much to take, or a new medication.

  • Tell your GP or psychiatrist if you are having any side effects from medication. A side effect is an unpleasant effect of medication on your body or thinking. A side effect can make you feel unwell.
  • It can help to note down a list of side effects you are having. Your GP or psychiatrist may suggest a change in how much medication you take or a new medication if you have side effects.
    • The Council for Intellectual Disability has a factsheet on taking medications called Me and my medication.
    • There are also lots of factsheets on different medications here. You may like to ask someone you trust or your GP or mental health worker to look at these with you.


If you are in hospital for your mental health

If you are in hospital you can communicate with your doctor or nurse about your treatment.

To communicate is how you understand and share your feelings or information.

You can let them know that you do not think your treatment is working.


Different level of care

If your current care plan is not working, sometimes you may need a different level of care.


Graphic of information in text- sometimes you need a different level of care


Here are some examples.

  • If you are seeing your GP for medication, your GP may suggest you should see a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is a doctor who helps you with your mental health using talking and medication.
  • If you are seeing a psychiatrist and they are not sure how best to support you, they may ask a specialised intellectual disability mental health service to support you. These mental health workers know a lot about intellectual disability.
  • If the medication your psychiatrist suggested you take is not working and you are very unwell, they may suggest you go to hospital. In hospital you can get more help to find a treatment that works for you.