I cannot find support

Finding support for your mental health can be hard. But support is available. Here are some ideas for what you can do if you cannot find support.


Communicate with someone you trust about finding support for your mental health 

To communicate is how you understand and share your feelings or information.

Someone you trust might be your:

  • family
  • carer
  • friends
  • support worker
  • advocate. An advocate is someone who helps you to speak up and get the support you need.

Someone you trust can help you find support.


See your GP

A GP is the doctor that you see when are sick or need a health check. A GP is also known as a general practitioner. Your GP is usually the first health worker to see about your mental health. Your GP can:

  • give you information on mental health workers
  • make a referral, which is when they suggest you see a mental health worker who can help you.

If your GP does not know of a mental health worker who works with people with intellectual disability in your area, you can:

  • ask them to try to find someone
  • ask your family, friends, advocate, or support workers if they know of anyone
  • if you have a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan, you can ask your Support Coordinator
  • look for mental health workers online. For more information on types of mental health workers visit the Health workers section.


If a mental health service says they are not suitable for you

If this happens you can:

  • ask them to suggest another service you can call
  • go back to your GP and ask them to suggest another service.


If you would like support in other areas of your life

You can:

  • communicate with your NDIS Support Coordinator if you have an NDIS plan.
  • visit Other services for information about disability and other services that can support good mental health.