Frequently asked questions


Using Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect


Who can use Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect?

Anyone with an interest in intellectual disability mental health can use this website.

Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect was made to help:

  • people with intellectual disability to find their way through the mental health system
  • mainstream mental health professionals to provide mental health care to people with intellectual disability across the mental health pathway.

The website also provides information for support networks and other professionals who provide support to people with intellectual disability.


Can I use Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect if I live outside of NSW?

Yes. Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect contains some information and resources that are specific to NSW. However, the general advice provided on this website is suitable for people living outside of NSW.


Will Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect include information for people outside of NSW in future?

In the future, we would like to include information and resources on this website relevant to those outside of NSW. Currently, the general advice provided on this website is suitable for anyone, so you may still be able to find information that is useful to you.


What are the accessibility features on this website?

You can find out about the available accessibility features on this page.


Getting help for my mental health


I need mental health advice. Can you help?

No. Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect provides general information that may help people with intellectual disability access mental health care. However, we do not give health advice to individuals.


Where can I find a mental health worker?

As a first step, you may want to contact your GP (general practitioner), who can give you advice and a referral to a suitable mental health worker. A referral is when a doctor suggests you see a health worker who can help you. If you do not have a GP, you can ask someone you trust to recommend a GP, or look for one here.


Giving feedback


What should I do if I have found a broken link (does not work)?

If a link to a resource or page does not work, please contact us at [email protected] or through the feedback form so that we can fix it. If you need urgent access to the resource, you can try to Google it.


What should I do if I have feedback?

We want your feedback because we want to make Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect the best that it can be. You can let us know any feedback you have about the website and its content


How can I be involved in Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect?

You can be involved in Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect by giving us your feedback on how we can make the website better. You can also share Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect with your friends, support networks, mental health professionals or colleagues.

Sometimes, we run focus groups with people with lived experience so that we can ensure the content on Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect is accurate and relevant. If you would like to be involved in these focus groups, you can contact us at [email protected].