Emergency help

How to get emergency help

This information is about how to get emergency help in a crisis.


A crisis is when you are in danger or are very upset.

Supporting someone with mental illness

You might be in danger if

  • You want to hurt yourself


  • You want to hurt someone else


  • You want to die
If you or someone else is in danger and need help now
Talking on the phone and looking upset

Call 000 for an ambulance or the police.


Or go to an emergency department at a hospital.

Cannot call doctor

You do not need an appointment to go to an emergency department.

Two woman standing in front of a black car.

You can ask someone you trust to take you to the emergency department.

Talking to someone you trust

There are many people you might trust.


For more information about who you might trust go to https://www.idmhconnect.health/someone-trust

If you are very upset and need to speak to someone now you can
Talking to someone you trust

Communicate with someone you trust.


To communicate is how you understand and share your feelings or information.

Talking on the phone with a professional

You can also communicate with services by

  • Phone


  • Online
Mobile phone apps

Lifeline Australia


Call on 13 11 14 any time of the day.


Text 0477 13 11 14  from 12 noon to 6am.


Chat online on https://www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ from 12 noon to 6am.  

NSW Mental health line logo. Two lines of information. It says Mental health line on the top line. On the bottom line has their number, 1800 011 511.

NSW Mental Health Line


If you need to speak with a mental health worker you can ring the NSW Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511 any time on any day.

Two people sitting on different sides of a desk. One is a doctor and the other is a patient. Both look happy.

Mental health workers are people who work to help you with your mental health.

Person looking upset while talking to a health worker on the phone

The mental health worker might

  • Refer you to the local mental health team


  • Give you information about other services that can help you
Talking on the phone and looking upset

Suicide Call Back Service


Call on 1300 659 467

Mens line logo. Two lines of text next. Top line says Mens Line in black. Below it says Australia in orange. To the left of the text is four columns of small orange boxes of different lengths.

MensLine Australia


Call on 1300 78 99 78

Beyond Blue logo and contact information

Beyond Blue


Call on 1300 22 4636

You can also get support from your
Seeing a health worker



A GP is the doctor that you see when you

  • Are sick


  • Need a health check
Two people sitting across each other on a round table. One person is talking and using their hands. The other person is listening.



If you have one.



A psychologist helps you with your mental health by talking with you.


Psychologists help you find things you can do to feel better.

Two people communicating with each other



If you have one.


A psychiatrist is a doctor who helps you with your mental health using talking and medicine.


They might not be able to communicate with you right away.


But they will be able to help you.

Emergency help card
Supporting someone with mental illness

An Emergency help card can keep you and others safe in a crisis.



one side of the Emergency help card. In top left corner is this websites logo. Centre the card is a red box. Inside the box are emergency help lines and their numbers.

It can support you and others to

  • Know what to do in a crisis
  • Know who to contact in a crisis
  • Call phone lines that can support you in a crisis
Both sides of emergency card. The bottom edge of each side is connected to make a longer rectangle. Around the outside of this rectangle is a dotted black line. Connected to this line are a pair of black scissors in the top right-hand corner.

You can use the Emergency help card template to make an Emergency Card that is right for you.

Person in an office

For more information about the Emergency help card go to https://idmhconnect.health/emergency-help-template/ER