Study Information on Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect webtool
Thank you for using Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect.
We are looking for feedback on the website.
Feedback means you tell us what you think about the website.
This will help us to make the website better in future.
We are looking for the following people to provide their feedback:
- People with intellectual disability who live in NSW
- Carers, family, friends, support persons (paid and un-paid) and advocates who live in NSW
- Mental health, health, disability and social service professionals who work in NSW
Participants must be 18 years or over.
You can use the website several times before taking part in the study if you like. The study will end in September 2023.
You can do a survey, interview or both.
Online survey
We invite you to take part in an online survey that will take 10-15 minutes.
Click the address below to start the survey:
Please see the Participant Information Sheet for more information:
Participants who complete the survey can choose to enter a prize draw to win a $100 Coles Myer gift card*.
*1 x $100 card per participant group (1 x people with intellectual disability, 1 x support networks, and 1 x professionals).
The winners will be picked on 16 October 2023.
Interview study
We are also looking for people who would like to take part in an interview or focus group to provide more detailed feedback on the website. Participants will receive a $50 gift card for taking part.
You can find the Participant Information Sheets here.
If you are interested in taking part in an interview or focus group, please enter your details below, or contact Claire Eagleson at [email protected] or 02 9065 9516 for more information.
Information about how we collect and use website data is also included in the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of this website. You may wish to view these before using the website.
This study, called Evaluation of the Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect Webtool has approval from the UNSW Human Research Ethics Committee HC220792.
Thank you.