Supports for various groups

Culturally and linguistically diverse people
People from different cultures

Culturally and linguistically diverse is used to describe people who identify as belonging in some way to a non-Australian culture.


Culturally and linguistically diverse is known as CALD for short.


Person in an office

For more information about CALD people visit

Person using the internet

Below are services and supports for CALD people.

Advocate talking to two people

The Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association provides advocacy services for people with disability from CALD communities.

Three people sitting at a desk


The Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association also supports people with NDIS appeals and reviews.


An appeal is when you ask someone to have another meeting.


Person using the internet

For more information about the Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association visit

ndis logo

The Ethnic Community Services Co-operative provides

  • NDIS services and information
Advocate talking to two people
  • Advocacy
Person volunteering


  • Volunteer projects for people with disability


When you volunteer you give your time to help someone.


You do not get paid for your help.


Meeting at a job centre

They also provide  

  • Support for people looking for work experience and paid work
Person using the internet

For more information about the Ethnic Community Services Co-operative visit



Open Minds has support services for people from CALD communities with mental health problems.


For more information about Open Minds visit


Man and woman with speech bubble

Action on Disability within Ethnic Communities has services and information including

  • Advocacy support
  • Videos about the NDIS in different languages
Support group


  • Social support groups


A support group is a small group of people you meet with to communicate about mental health.


Two people communicating

To communicate is how you understand and share your feelings or information.

Person using the internet

For more information about Action on Disability within Ethnic Communities visit

Man and woman with speech bubble


Kin provides advocacy support for people with disability from CALD communities.


For more information about Kin visit


ndis logo


The Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia has a program that supports people from CALD backgrounds to access the NDIS.


For more information about the program visit


Talking on the phone and looking happy


Translation and interpreter services


Translating and Interpreting Service provide onsite and on phone interpreting.


To contact the service

  • Call 131 450



No information


NSW Health Care Interpreting Services have free and confidential interpreters when you go to hospital for your care.


Confidentiality means that information about you must not be shared with others unless you say that it is OK to share.


Person using the internet

For more information about the NSW Health Care Interpreting Services visit


Talking on the phone with a professional


Lifeline Australia provides crisis support in different languages.


You can ask to speak to someone in your language.


To contact Lifeline

  • Call 13 11 14



Not Easy Read

Translated information for people from CALD communities


Below is a list of websites with information in different languages.


The information from the websites below is not in Easy Read but can still be helpful.


If you want you can ask someone to support you to read them.


Person using the internet


Embrace Multicultural Mental Health provides mental health information in different languages.


For more information visit


Languages other than English


The Multilingual Disability Hub has information on disability and the NDIS in different languages.


To see the information visit



Amparo Advocacy Inc has information on the rights of people with an NDIS plan.


Rights are rules about how everybody should be treated fairly.


A right is something everyone has.


To read the information visit


ndis logo

Your NDIS plan says what supports you need.

Person reading


The Cerebral Palsy Alliance has some information translated into different languages.


To read the information visit


Languages other than English


Centrelink information about the Disability Support Pension has been translated into different languages.


To read the information visit





UnitingSA has factsheets to help CALD communities to access the NDIS.


To read the factsheets visit


Languages other than English


The Transcultural Mental Health Centre has mental health information in different languages.


To read the information visit


LGBTQ+ people
LGBTQ+ rainbow

LGBTQ+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning.

Two women holding hands

Lesbian means women who are attracted to other women.

Two men holding hands

Gay means men who are attracted to other men.

Man and woman hugging

Bisexual means people who are attracted to both men and women.


Transgender refers to people who are now a different gender to the one that they were given when they were born.

Person confused

Questioning is if you feel that you might not be heterosexual but you are not sure.

Two people in a relationship


A heterosexual person is

  • A woman who is attracted to men




  • A man who is attracted to women


Person in an office

For more information about LGBTQ+ people visit

Person using the internet

Below are services and supports for LGBTQ+ people.

Reading together in a group


Family Planning NSW has a Sexuality and Disability Service.


The sessions are included in your NDIS plan.


For more information visit


Easy Read sheet


Family Planning NSW also has Easy Read information about

  • Relationships


  • Sexual health


  • Sexual identity


To read the information visit


Person holding Easy Read


CHANGE has an Easy Read guide on being LGBTQ+.


CHANGE is a group that is not in Australia but the information might still be helpful. 


For more information visit


LGBTQ+ rainbow


Twenty10 helps people in NSW between 12 and 25 years old who identify as LGBTQ+.


For more information about Twenty10 visit


Communicating with a health worker


Twenty10 has services for everyone, not just people with intellectual disability.


Twenty10 provides

  • Counselling


Two people sitting on different sides of a desk. One is a doctor and the other is a patient. Both look happy.
  • Mental health support
Support bubble
  • Support for social skills
Talking on the phone and looking happy


QLife is a chatline that provides free LGBTQ+ peer support and referrals.


You can

  • Call QLife on 1800 184 527 between 3pm and 12am midnight every day



Communicating with a health worker


Relationships and Private Stuff has counselling and education to support you.


Their services can be included in your NDIS plan.


For more information about Relationships and Private Stuff visit https://www.relationshipsand




Sydney Queer and Disability Community is a group on Facebook that raises awareness for LGBTQ+ people with disability.


For more information about the community group visit


Man and woman with speech bubble


Rainbow Rights and Advocacy is a self-advocacy group.


A self-advocate is someone who speaks up for themselves.


Rainbow Rights and Advocacy  is run by and for LGBTQ+ people with intellectual disability.


For more information visit



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