Supports for various groups


This information is about people and services that can support people with intellectual disability from different groups.


It has information for

One aboriginal youth and a young man. The youth has his tongue out of his mouth while smiling. The young man is smiling next to the youth.
  • First Nations peoples
People from different cultures
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse people
LGBTQ+ rainbow
  • LGBTQ+ people
Farm house
  • People living in rural and remote areas
  • People in contact with the criminal justice system
List of needs
  • People with many support needs
Person who is very upset
  • People who have had trauma
Mental health words

There is a lot of information.


Some words can be hard to understand.

Talking to someone you trust

You can ask someone to read this information with you.

First Nations peoples
One aboriginal youth and a young man. The youth has his tongue out of his mouth while smiling. The young man is smiling next to the youth.

Below are services and supports for First Nations peoples.

Person working on a computer

For more information about First Nations peoples visit



Translation and interpreter services


An interpreter is a person who changes words from your language to a language someone else understands.

Talking on the phone and looking happy


The Translating and Interpreting Service provides onsite and on phone interpreting.


To contact the service

  • Call 131 450



Two people communicating


The National Interpreting and Communication Services provides interpretation for some of the different First Nations sign languages.


The hours can be paid under NDIS interpreting hours.


For more information visit


ndis logo

NDIS is short for National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Video call


2M Language Services can provide interpreters for some of the First Nations languages for a fee.


For more information about the service visit



Talking on the phone with a professional

Lifeline Australia provides crisis support in different languages.


You can ask to speak to someone in your language.


A crisis is when you are in danger or are very upset.


To contact Lifeline

  • Call 13 11 14



Person pointing to themself


Mental health supports


Mental health is about 


  • How you think


  • How you feel


Mobile phone apps


iBobbly is an app designed for First Nations peoples to support their own mental health.


For more information visit resources-support/digital-tools-apps/ibobbly/


Person using a computer


WellMob is an online tool for First Nations peoples to support their own mental health.


For more information about WellMob visit


Support group


Proppa Deadly is a talk show where First Nations people tell their stories about mental health problems.


For more information about Proppa Deadly visit


Supporting person with mental illness

A mental health problem is when your feelings start to worry you.

Person who is very upset


Trauma and Grief Network has helpful information and tips about dealing with trauma and grief for First Nations peoples.


Trauma is when something has happened to you that made you very frightened or upset.


Three men sitting at a round table. They all look upset. Two of the men have a hand on their heads. And the other man has his head down on the table.

Grief is when you have lots of different feelings when someone dies.

Person using the internet

For more information about the Trauma and Grief Network visit


Beyond Blue logo and contact information


Beyond Blue gives information about mental health problems for First Nations peoples.


To see the information visit


Person reading


Beyond Blue also provides information about dealing with discrimination because of your First Nations background.


For more information visit


Man and woman with speech bubble


Other services and supports


First Peoples Disability Network provides advocacy and support for First Nations peoples with disability.


Advocacy is having your voice heard so your rights and needs are met.


You can have needs in many areas of your life. 


Person using the internet

For more information about the First Nations Disability Network visit

Talking on the phone and looking upset


National Indigenous Postvention Service provides support for First Nations people and communities affected by suicide. 


To contact this service call 1800 805 801.


Two people arguing


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mediation provides free mediation conflict management services.


Mediation is when a person comes to support people after they have big arguments or fights.


Person using the internet

For more information about the mediation services visit


Group of people all looking at one person


All Together Now provides information for people who want to report racism.


Racism is when people discriminate against you because of your culture or background.


Discrimination is when someone is treated badly because of something about them they cannot control.


Person using the internet

For information about All Together Now visit

Playing cards


Wuuwi Gambling can provide counselling services for First Nations peoples with gambling issues.


Gambling is when you play games for the chance to win money.


Two people communicating with each other


Counselling therapy is when you chat with mental health workers about

  • Issues in your life


  • Ways you can fix these issues


Two people sitting on different sides of a desk. One is a doctor and the other is a patient. Both look happy.

Mental health workers are people who work to help you with your mental health.

Person using the internet

For more information about Wuuwi Gambling visit https://aboriginalsafegambling.

A can of beer and small packet of pink pills. On top of both is a red cross on top.


Your Room provides information on services that support First Nations peoples to reduce the harm caused by alcohol and drugs.


They also provide culturally safe phone counselling and referral.


A doctor is sitting across a table from a person. The doctor is holding a book in his left hand and writing on a note pad with his other hand.

A referral is when someone suggests you see a worker who can support you.

Person using the internet

For more information about Your Room visit


Man with magnifying glass


Search tools for health services and supports


Ask Izzy can help you search for the right services and supports for you.


For more information about Ask Izzy visit


Group of health workers


Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet has a search tool to find First Nations health workers and health practitioners near you.


To use the search tool visit




Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council provides a list of First Nations health services across NSW.


For more information visit




The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation provides a list of Aboriginal community health centres in NSW.


For more information about the community health centres visit



There is more information on the next page.


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