Support with your everyday life


This information is about the supports you can get for your everyday life.


It has information on

two people sitting at a table behind a computer. One person is pointing to a piece of paper on the table.
  • Disability and government services
Person opening an oven
  • Supports for daily life skills
Different activities
  • Day centres and programs
Group of people
  • Community activities and groups
Person with a job
  • Job support
  • Educational supports
Safe home to live
  • Housing supports
Mental health words

There is a lot of information.


Some words can be hard to understand.

Talking to someone you trust

You can ask someone to read this information with you.

Disability and government services
Support worker

You can find support for many parts of your life from disability services with funding from the NDIS.

ndis logo

NDIS funded services are called NDIS providers.


NDIS is short for National Disability Insurance Scheme.


You can find support for many parts of your life from the government.

Person pointing to themself

The NDIS helps to support you to be more independent and take part in community and working life.


Independent means that you can make your own choices and do some things on your own.

Person using the internet

To find a NDIS provider go to

Support worker

There are many disability support providers in the community.


They support people with intellectual disability in all parts of life.

Care co-ordinator

To find disability support providers near you communicate with your NDIS Support Coordinator.


To communicate is how you understand and share your feelings or information.

Care co-ordinator

A support coordinator is a person who helps plan and organise

  • Your care


  • Other services you get
Person using the internet

You can also do an internet search for the type of service you want near you.


For example you can go to

Meeting at a job centre

The government provides support in many areas including

  • Getting a job
  • Study
Safe home to live
  • Finding a home
Supports for daily life skills
Person providing support

People with disability can be supported to live as independently as possible.


You can have plans and support to help you to develop daily life skills.

Person opening an oven

Daily life skills are tasks you need to do to care for yourself.


Daily life skills could include

  • Cooking
Garbage bin
  • Cleaning
Two people shopping
  • Shopping
A man in pajamas brushing his teeth.
  • Self-care


Self-care means doing things to look after yourself and feel well.

  • Paying bills
  • Taking public transport
Care co-ordinator

You can communicate with your NDIS Support Coordinator about skills you would like to learn.

Day centres and programs
Different activities

A day centre is a place where you may go during the day to see friends and take part in activities.


Many local disability services have day centres.

Care co-ordinator

You can communicate with your NDIS Support Coordinator about centres and programs that might be right for you.

Community activities and groups
Group of people

There are many groups and activities for people with disability.


The groups can support you to

  • Get involved in your community


  • Make friends


  • Learn new skills
Playing basketball

Some examples of community activities include

  • Sports groups
A group of people dancing.
  • Dancing
Listen to music to relax
  • Singing


  • Going to the theatre and concerts
  • Movie groups
Person using a computer

To find groups that interest you

  • Search online
Care co-ordinator
  • Ask your NDIS Support Coordinator
Job support
Person with a job

Job support is also known as vocational support.

Meeting at a job centre

Job support services provide skills and education to support you to get ready for work.

Two people looking at information in front of a computer

Many disability support providers can support you to get a job.

Person using the internet

Below are some websites and information about job support.

Easy Read sheet

The NDIS has Easy Read information on planning for work.


To see the Easy Read information go to

Person using the internet

Everyone Can Work is a website for

  • People with intellectual disability


  • Their families


  • Their support networks


For more information about Everyone Can Work go to


The Australian Network on Disability has information to prepare you to look for a job.


To see the information go to

A group of happy people surrounding a woman, using their arms to form a circle around her. Behind the group are many different countries national flags.

Ethnic Community Services Co-operative has disability services for people who come from different cultures.


The services can offer job support.


For more information about the services go to

Government job services


Job Access can help you find support and information.


For more information about Job Access go to


For more information about supports that are available go to

Two people looking at information in front of a computer

Disability Employment Services can support you to find and keep a job.


Employment is another word for job or work.

Person using the internet

For more information about Disability Employment Services go to


To find a provider go to


IncludeAbility has information if you are looking for work.


To see the information go to


RecruitAbility encourages people to apply for Australian Public Service jobs.


Public service jobs are when you work for the government.


For more information about public service jobs go to

Educational supports

Educational supports help people with disability to study.


Educational supports could be at

  • School
Person using a computer
  • Online
  • University


  • TAFE


  • Private colleges


These places are for higher education.


TAFE is somewhere you can study and learn skills.


Higher education is when you study after you finish school.


The place where you study will have more information on supports they can offer.

Providing support

NDIS participants can get support to study after school with an NDIS educational plan.


Many disability support providers offer support with study.

Care co-ordinator

For more information about educational supports communicate with your NDIS Support Coordinator.

Person using the internet

Below are websites and information for higher education and study.


For information from the NSW Government about disability learning and support go to


Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training has information on how you can prepare to study after school.


To see the information go to

Person reading

The National Disability Coordination Officer Program can support you to take part in higher education.


For information that can support you go to


The Uni 2 Beyond program can support you to take part in university life.


For more information about the Uni 2 Beyond program go to

Supporting someone

Uni 2 Beyond means you can go to classes with support from a mentor.


A mentor is person who guides and assists you.

Not studying

Students who are part of Uni 2 Beyond are not enrolled so you do not have to pay fees to the university.


Not enrolled means that you do not get a degree.

Graduation hat and degree

A degree is something you get after you do higher education study.


You may be able to get money from the government to support your education if you get a Disability Support Pension.


For more information about the Disability Support Pension go to

Housing supports
Safe home to live

Housing supports can help you to

  • Find a home that is right for you
Proud person
  • Be more independent such as be able to live on your own
Person opening an oven
  • Get support in your home such as help with cooking

There are 2 types of housing support

  • Individual housing


Individual housing means you live in a home on your own or with family.

Person eating

You can have daily support such as meals brought to you and support with public transport.

Safe home to live
  • Shared housing or group homes


Shared housing is where you live in a house provided by a disability provider with other people.

Support worker

Shared housing is for people who need more support with daily life skills.

Safe home to live

Housing support can be provided by

  • NDIS funded disability support providers
  • The government

NDIS housing supports

Person living alone

NDIS housing supports include

  • Individual Living Options


Individual Living Options provides supports that are right for you in your own home.


For more information about Individual Living Options go to

Person washing clothes
  • Supported Independent Living


Supported Independent Living provides supports for daily life skills and transport for you if you live in your own home.

Getting care in your home
  • Specialist Disability Accommodation


Specialist Disability Accommodation is for people with very high support needs.

A person holding a walker with another person supporting them. This supporting person has one hand on the person with the walker's back and the other hand is on the walker.

Very high support needs means that you need someone to support you every day.

Person paying

The NDIS funding provides the home you will live in.


You will usually still need to pay rent.


Rent is money you have to pay regularly to live in a home you do not own.

Communication aid

NDIS supports can also provide assistive technology.


For more information about assistive technology go to

Four elderly people.

The NDIS can also support you to move to aged care housing when you grow older.


For more information go to

Government housing


Housing services provided by the government are known as social housing.


Public housing and community housing are types of social housing.


Public housing is provided by the Department of Communities and Justice.


This is a government department.

Working together

Community housing is provided by community groups.


They get support from the government.

Person using the internet

For more information about social housing go to

Supported housing that is right for you

Care co-ordinator

If you need supported housing or want to change your housing supports you can communicate with your

  • NDIS Support Coordinator


  • GP


  • Other health worker
Person using the internet

You can also

Talking on the phone and looking happy
  • Call Link2home on 1800 152 152 for information or a referral to a housing service


A referral is when someone suggests you see a worker who can support you.

Communicating with a health worker
  • Communicate with your manager or support staff if you live in shared housing
A person complaining to someone else
  • Make a complaint if you are not happy with your home


A complaint is when you let someone know you are not happy with something.

Screen capture of the Wordlist on the Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect website.

There are some tricky words on this Easy Read page. 


For more information about these words go to