First Nations peoples


This information is about the mental health of First Nations peoples.


It has information on

First Nations peoples sitting down
  • Key points for First Nations peoples
Aboriginal man looking worried.
  • Worries you might have when getting help for your mental health and what you can do
Person providing support
  • Services and supports
Key points for First Nations peoples
Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander flags blowing in wind on a background of blue sky.

First Nations peoples are the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Group of people

Each First Nations person is different.


Each First Nations community is different.

First Nations peoples sitting down

Many First Nations peoples have strong connections to their

  • Culture


  • Community


  • Land


  • Spirituality
Australian landscape. A dry road with pale green grass on either side. A kangaroo is in the center of the road, jumping towards the right.

Land describes a place you might feel a spiritual connection to because it is where your family came from. 


It is sometimes called country.

Aboriginal woman holding a mental stick straight down on a piece of wood. She is sitting on a blue mat. Next to her right elbow is a tin bucket with wood and a small fire.

Spirituality is a way of understanding life and connecting with others. 

One aboriginal youth and a young man. The youth has his tongue out of his mouth while smiling. The young man is smiling next to the youth.

These connections can help to support good mental wellbeing.

Person feeling down

First Nations peoples with intellectual disability can experience more difficult things than other people.

Group of people all looking at one person

They can face discrimination.


Discrimination is when someone is treated badly because of something about them they cannot control.

Seeing a health worker

First Nations peoples with intellectual disability can have more health problems.


First Nations peoples with intellectual disability might have more contact with the criminal justice system.

Person working on a computer

For more information about the criminal justice system go to

Worries you might have when getting help for your mental health and what you can do
Aboriginal man looking worried.

Below are some worries you might have when you try to get support for your mental health.


We include some ideas for what you can do.

Person pointing to themself

Mental health is about 

  • How you think


  • How you feel



Not using video call

You are worried you will not get support for your mental health because you are a First Nations person or have a disability



This is what you can do.


First Nations man sitting on brick steps. His face is turned towards the ground.

It is discrimination if you do not get mental health support because you

  • Are a First Nations person


  • Have a disability
First Nations man crossing his arms. His face is serious.

Discrimination is not OK.

Rights are rules about how everybody should be treated fairly.


A right is something everyone has.

One aboriginal youth and a young man. The youth has his tongue out of his mouth while smiling. The young man is smiling next to the youth.

Everyone has the right to have good health.


Everyone has the right to health care. 


Mental health care is a type of health care.

Side profile of a person with a speech bubble coming out of their mouth. They are wearing a cap and black T-shirt.

If you experience discrimination you can


  • Speak up and say it is not OK
A person complaining to someone else
  • Make a complaint


A complaint is when you let someone know you are not happy with someone.

  • Communicate with someone you trust


To communicate is how you understand and share your feelings or information.

Talking to someone you trust

There are many people you might trust.


For more information about who you might trust go to

Person working on a computer

For more information about

  • Your rights go to


  • How to speak up go to


  • Making a complaint go to





Not listening to someone who is talking

You are worried mental health workers will not understand and be able to help you



This is what you can do.


Two people sitting on different sides of a desk. One is a doctor and the other is a patient. Both look happy.

Mental health workers are people who work to help you with your mental health.

Side profile of a person with a speech bubble coming out of their mouth. They are wearing a cap and black T-shirt.

You can ask for a mental health worker who

  • Knows about intellectual disability


  • Has worked with other First Nations peoples


You can ask your mental health worker to communicate with your Mob if you want.


It is OK if you do not want to include your Mob. 

Person working on a computer

For more information about how your mental health worker can work with your Mob go to

Languages other than English

If you are worried you might also want to get support in your language.


You can ask for an interpreter to help you and your family communicate with mental health workers. 


An Interpreter is a person who changes words from your language to a language someone else understands.

Side profile of a person with a speech bubble coming out of their mouth. They are wearing a cap and black T-shirt.

To organise an interpreter you or your family can ask

  • Your doctor


  • The mental health service
Doctor on the phone

You can also ask your mental health worker to call the Translating and Interpreting Service.


The telephone number for this service is 131 450.

Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander flags blowing in wind on a background of blue sky.

You might also want to help others understand your culture.


Your culture is unique to your Mob.

Aboriginal woman holding a mental stick straight down on a piece of wood. She is sitting on a blue mat. Next to her right elbow is a tin bucket with wood and a small fire.

It is important for people who support your mental health to understand your culture.


Understanding your culture can help them to help you.

First Nations person is on the right speaking to two people. The First Nations person has their arms out with pals up and mouth is open in conversation with the two people.

There are different ways to support others to understand your culture.


You might share your story.

Group of  five people sitting close together in a half circle. The group attention is on one man on the right. The man is speaking.

You might attend a yarning circle with your mental health worker.


A yarning circle is when you meet with others to communicate openly about things important to you.


Others will not judge what you communicate in a yarning circle. 




You are worried about what you have to pay



This is what you can do.


You can ask your GP or health worker about free or cheap mental health supports.

NSW Mental health line logo. Two lines of information. It says Mental health line on the top line. On the bottom line has their number, 1800 011 511.

You can ring the NSW Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511 any time on any day.


They will connect you to a mental health worker.

Person looking upset while talking to a health worker on the phone

The mental health worker might

  • Refer you to the local mental health team


  • Give you information about other services that can help you
A doctor is sitting across a table from a person. The doctor is holding a book in his left hand and writing on a note pad with his other hand.

A referral is when someone says you should see another worker if you need more help.


If you have an NDIS plan you might be able to get different supports.


To find out more about what support you can get from the NDIS chat to your support coordinator.

ndis logo

NDIS is short for National Disability Insurance Scheme.


Your NDIS plan says what supports you need.

Care co-ordinator

A support coordinator is a person who helps plan and organise

  • Your care


  • Other services you get
Person working on a computer

You can call and get free services and resources for your mental health.


For more information on where to find support go to



Aboriginal man looking worried.

You are worried about social services if you get mental health support



This is what you can do.



Social services are government services such as

  • Child welfare


  • Housing support
Crying child

Child welfare protects children from harm by

  • Giving support


  • Making sure they have a safe place to live
Two people sitting on different sides of a desk. One is a doctor and the other is a patient. Both look happy.

Your mental health care is separate from social services.


Social services will only get involved in your life if you

Person who is very upset
  • Need support that is not disability or mental health support
Supporting someone with mental illness
  • You or someone else is in danger
Services and supports
Person providing support

Below is a list of services and supports for First Nations peoples.



Translation and interpreter services 


Below are a list of translation and interpreter services that support First Nations peoples.

Talking on the phone and looking happy

Translating and Interpreting Service provides onsite and on phone interpreting.


The telephone number for this service is 131 450.


The National Interpreting and Communication Service provide interpretation for some of the different sign languages used by First Nations peoples.


The hours can be paid under NDIS interpreting hours. 


For more information go to

Video call

2M Language Services can provide interpreters for some of the First Nations languages for a fee.


For more information go to

Talking on the phone with a professional

Lifeline Australia provides crisis support in different languages.


Call Lifeline on 13 11 14  and ask to speak to someone in your language.



Mental health supports

Supporting person with mental illness

Below are a list of mental health supports for First Nations peoples.

Mobile phone apps

iBobbly is an app designed for First Nations peoples to support their own mental health.


For more information go to

Person using a computer

WellMob is an online tool designed for First Nations peoples to support their own mental health.


For more information go to

Support group

Proppa Deadly is a talk show where First Nations people tell their stories about mental health problems.


For more information go to /programs/lets-talk/proppa-deadly-napsia-vin-thal/

Person who is very upset

Trauma and Grief Network has helpful information and tips about dealing with trauma and grief tips for First Nations peoples. 

For more information go to

Beyond Blue logo and contact information

Beyond Blue gives information about mental health problems for First Nations peoples.


For more information go to

Person reading

Beyond Blue also provides information about dealing with discrimination because of your First Nations background.


For more information go to



Other services and supports



Below are a list of other supports and services for First Nations peoples.

Speaking up

First Peoples Disability Network provides advocacy and support for First Nations peoples with disability.


For more information go to 


Talking on the phone and looking upset

National Indigenous Postvention Service provides support for First Nations people and communities affected by suicide.  


The telephone number for this service is 1800 805 801.

Two people arguing

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mediation provides free mediation and conflict management services.


Mediation is when a person comes to support people when they have big arguments or fights.


For more information go to

Person using a computer

All Together Now provides information for people who want to report racism. 


You can report racism here.


For more information go to

Group of people all looking at one person

Racism is when people discriminate against you because of your culture or background.  

Person using the internet

Wuuwi Gambling helps provide counselling services for First Nations peoples struggling with gambling issues.


For more information go to

Communicating with a health worker

Counselling therapy is when you chat with mental health workers about

  • Issues in your life


  • Ways you can fix these issues
Playing cards

Gambling is when you play games for the chance to win money.

Drink with drugs

Your Room provides information on services that support First Nations peoples to reduce the harm caused by alcohol and drugs.


They also provide culturally safe phone counselling and referral.


For more information go to                                                     



Search tools for health services and supports

Search for something

Below is a list of search tools you can use to find supports and services for First Nations peoples.

Person using the internet

Ask Izzy can help you search for the right services and supports for you.


For more information go to

Group of health workers

Australian Indigenous HealthInfo Net provides a search tool to find First Nations health workers and health practitioners near you.


For more information go to

Centre is open

Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council provide a list of health services across NSW that support First Nations peoples.


For more information go to


National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation provides a list of community health centres in NSW that support Aboriginal peoples. 


For more information go to

Screen capture of the Wordlist on the Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect website.

There are some tricky words on this Easy Read page.


For more information about these words go to