Your first appointment

Seeing a mental health worker
Group of health workers


Your GP might have suggested you see a

  • Psychiatrist


  • Psychologist


  • Other mental health workers such as an occupational therapist


Occupational therapist

Occupational therapists support people to take part in daily activities and support them to learn new skills.

Person in an office


For more information about these and other health workers go to




For a list of questions you might want to ask when finding a new mental health worker go to




Intake session


Group of people having a meeting

Before you start seeing a health worker you might have what is called an intake session.

Health worker giving information


An intake session helps the mental health worker to find out

  • A bit about you


  • What is happening for you now


  • Whether the mental health worker or service will be right for you


Talking to someone you trust

You can have someone you trust with you during an intake session.

Person thinking

You can get ready for an intake session by thinking about what you want to tell the mental health worker.



You can also get ready by noting down any questions you might have.


You can ask someone to help you.


Two people talking and writing down notes


During an intake session the mental health worker will ask you questions.


They might ask you


Person pointing to themself


  • Information about yourself


For example who you live with.


Supporting person with mental illness


  • What you are experiencing


  • What you want help with


  • If you have had support for your mental health before
Two people discussing medication


  • If you have any medical conditions


  • If you are taking any medication


  • If you are seeing any other doctors




What happens next


Next steps

After an intake session you might make an appointment for an assessment session.

Working together

After the intake session the mental health worker might need to discuss with someone they work with if the service is right for you.

Person with a question


The mental health worker might say the service is not right for you.


If this happens you can ask the mental health worker why.


Choosing between many options

You can also ask the mental health worker to suggest another service that could help you.

Seeing a health worker

You can go back to your GP who can suggest another mental health worker.





Scared person


It is normal to feel nervous in waiting rooms.


To be nervous is when people feel worried about something that is happening or might happen.


Two people sitting outside


If you feel nervous after you check in with the service you can wait somewhere else.


You might wait

  • Outside


  • In the car if it is close by 
Talking on the phone with a professional

Ask the person at the check in to call you when the mental health worker is ready to see you.

Person confused

If you do not understand something the health worker says it is OK to speak up.

Person with a question


You can ask the mental health worker to 

  • Repeat what they said


  • Communicate it in another way


Confused man

Let the mental health worker know if you think you will have trouble getting to your appointment.

Safe home to live

The mental health worker might be able to see you in your home.

If you go to the emergency department for your mental health

If you need to go to the emergency department at a hospital, a nurse will see you soon after you arrive.

Nurse asking questions


The nurse will ask you

  • How you are feeling


  • What is wrong


Waiting room

You might have to wait a while to see a doctor.

Loud noise


The noise in the emergency department might worry you.


If you want to you can ask the nurse if there is somewhere quiet you can sit.


Scared person


You might feel stressed or afraid if you need to go to the emergency department.


It is normal to feel afraid.


Health workers in a hospital


You can let the nurse or doctor know if you are afraid.


The nurse or doctor will try to make you feel comfortable.


Person with a question


You can ask the nurses and doctors

  • What is going to happen now


  • How long will I have to wait


Where to get more information
Person providing support

Below is a list of websites and sheets to support you for your first appointment. 

Person using the internet


For more information about





For a list of questions you might want to ask when finding a new mental health service in the community go to


Screen capture of the Wordlist on the Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect website.

There are some tricky words on this Easy Read page.


For more information about these words go to