Supports for people who have had trauma

People who have had trauma
Person who is very upset

People with intellectual disability can experience things that can cause them trauma.


Trauma is when something has happened to you that made you very frightened or very upset.

Person working on a computer
Person using the internet

Below are services and supports for people who have experienced trauma.

Mental health words

There is a lot of information.


Some words can be hard to understand.

Talking to someone you trust

You can ask someone to read this information with you.

Upset person on the phone

Call the Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline if you want to tell someone about

  • Abuse


  • Bullying


  • Neglect
No money

You can call the Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline on 1800 880 052.


It is free to call them.

Grabbing someone

Abuse is when someone says or does something to hurt you or make you feel bad.

Person being bullied by others

Bullying is when someone or a group of people are mean to you on purpose.


This could be more than one time.

Carer not facing the person

Neglect is when someone who is supposed to be supporting you does not give you the care you need.

Upset person on the phone

Contact the National Counselling and Referral Service if you need support after you have experienced

  • Abuse


  • Bullying


  • Neglect


You can call the service on  1800 421 468.

Easy Read sheet

Speak Up and be Safe from Abuse has Easy Read information.


This information can support you to communicate to someone that you

  • Have experienced


  • Or are still experiencing abuse


For more information go to


Working together

The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disabilities was a group of people who

  • Listened to the stories of people with disability


  • Told the government how to make things better
Person using the internet

They wrote about what they found in their final report.


For more information go to



Screen capture of the Wordlist on the Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect website.

There are some tricky words on this Easy Read page.


For more information about these words go to