Moving to new services


This information is about moving onto new mental health services.


It has information about

There is an arrow pointing from a child up to an adult.
  • Becoming an adult
An arrow pointing from a a man to an older man.
  • Growing older
Person using the internet
  • Where to get more information
Moving to new services
Centre is open

There are times in life when you might need

  • To move to a different mental health service


  • Different types of support
Getting older

These times might include

  • When you become an adult


  • When you grow older
Have a plan

Change can be difficult.  


There are ways you and your support network can prepare for moving to a new service.



There is an arrow pointing from a child up to an adult.

Becoming an adult

Centre is open

If you see mental health workers at services for young people you will need to move to adult services around the time you turn 18 years old.

Two people sitting on different sides of a desk. One is a doctor and the other is a patient. Both look happy.

Mental health workers are people who work to help you with your mental health.

Have a plan

Planning for moving to adult services should start from your early teens.


You should be involved in the planning.

Talking to someone you trust

Someone you trust will likely also help with planning.  


There are many people you might trust.


For more information about who you might trust go to

Sheet of paper with three check boxes and black lines next to each. The first  box is ticked green.

Mental health workers have some responsibilities.


Responsibilities are things they need to do.

Health worker giving information

Your mental health workers from the service for young people should

  • Discuss with you the best adult services for you
Centre is open
  • Help you find and get an appointment with the new service
Talking on the phone with a professional
  • Speak to your new mental health worker if that is OK with you
Two people sharing information

The mental health worker you have now can give any health records to your new service if that is OK with you and your guardian.


A guardian is a person who helps you make decisions about parts of your life when you cannot make decisions by yourself.

There is an arrow pointing from a child up to an adult.

When moving to adult services it can help to

Four people sitting around a round table. One person is standing, leaning on the table with their left arm. The group are looking at sheets of paper on the table. Some people are looking at the same documents, others are looking at the documents independently.
  • Have a meeting with the mental health workers you have now and your new mental health workers
  • Go to your first few appointments at the adult service while you are still in touch with the mental health worker you have now
Health worker giving information
  • Discuss how your time with the adult service went with the mental health worker you have now



To help you prepare for moving to an adult service you could

  • Start noting down your appointment times with your mental health worker
What time and date
  • Organise when you will see your mental health worker
Person pointing to themself

If your parent or support worker usually stays with you during appointments you could try to be more independent.

Person pointing to themself

Independent means that you can make your own choices and do some things on your own.

Communication aid

You could be more independent by communicating with your mental health worker alone for part of the session.


Only do this if you feel comfortable.


To communicate is how you understand and share your feelings or information. 



Woman stressed

Things people find hard about moving to adult services and what to do

Search for something

Adult services can be hard to find.

Health worker talking to a person

The mental health worker you see now should help you find an adult service that is right for your needs.

Talking to someone you trust

If your current mental health worker cannot find a service you can ask someone you trust if they can suggest anyone.

Centre is open

You might have to go to a few different adult services to get support.


Mental health workers from adult services might not work together.


This can be a big change.

Working together

If you would like your health and mental health workers to work together more you can discuss this with them. 

Person working on a computer

For more information about how your health and mental health workers work together go to


Sometimes people find that their new adult service is not working for them and stop going.

No mental health worker

These people might no longer get the help that they need.


You can do things so this is less likely to happen to you.

Two people communicating with each other

You might keep seeing the mental health worker when you first start using your new adult service.

Health worker giving information

If you do not think the new adult service will work for you discuss your options with your current mental health worker.



An arrow pointing from a a man to an older man.

Growing older



Thinking about the future


Planning for when you get older is important.


For a PDF download of this section go to

A woman standing with her arms slightly out with her palms facing upwards.  Her face looks confused.

People often think about

  • What will happen when they get older


  • Who will care for them if their parents cannot anymore
Safe home to live

You might think about where you will live.




You might also think about who will help you with money.


You can discuss whether you want to set up a Power of Attorney.

Two people talking about a file

A Power of Attorney is a legal document that says someone can

  • Look after your money


  • Make legal decisions for you
Council for Intellectual Disability logo

You can also use the Council for Intellectual Disability information guide about how to manage your money.


For more information go to

Woman with a thought bubble above her head. In the thought bubble is a tick and a cross. One of her hands  is on her chin.

When planning for growing older you might think about who will make choices for you if you cannot make them yourself.


You might want to think about choosing a guardian.


For more information go to

Two people sharing information

Plan Ahead Days across NSW can provide information on

  • Guardians


  • Power of attorneys
Person using the internet

For more information about Plan Ahead Days go to

Have a plan

You might want to think about advance care planning.


Advance care planning means making decisions about the health care you want in the future.  

No communication

This plan will help if you cannot communicate anymore.

Three people bent over a table, looking at a large document spread out.

This can include an Advance Care Directive.


An Advance Care Directive lets people know what medical treatment you want if you are very sick or dying.


It is something written.

Discussing treatment

Treatments are things that can help you feel better.


Treatments can be therapies and medicine. 

Talking to someone you trust

Therapies are activities your mental health workers use to support your mental health.


Medicine is sometimes called medication or drugs.


Medicine can be in

  • A tablet


  • A pill


  • A drink


  • An injection
Person using the internet

For more information about


Not Easy Read

This information is not in Easy Read.


You might want to ask someone to look at it with you.

Person providing support

When planning for the future you might also think about what will happen with your NDIS supports.

ndis logo

NDIS is short for National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Care co-ordinator

You can discuss this with your NDIS Support Coordinator.


A support coordinator is a person who helps plan and organise

  • Your care


  • Other services you get
Taking a taxi

If you were an NDIS participant before you turned 65 you might

  • Keep getting disability supports under the NDIS


  • Get supports from the Commonwealth Aged Care System
Older person

The Commonwealth Aged Care System is support from the government for older people.

Person with a question

You might have other questions about your plans for the future.


You can discuss these questions with someone you trust.

Have a plan

It is good to make a plan.



Mental health services for older people

Four elderly people.

Some services provide care just for older people.


In NSW these are called Older Peoples Mental Health services.

Older person

Older Peoples Mental Health services mostly provide care to people over 65 years old.


People under 65 years can use these services if it suits their needs.

Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander flags blowing in wind on a background of blue sky.

First Nations peoples 50 years and older can use these services.


First Nations peoples are the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Centre is open

Older Peoples Mental Health services provide support for

  • Older people in the community
  • Older people who must go to hospital for their mental health
Four elderly people.
  • Aged care homes and programs
Person with a question

You can ask your GP or mental health worker for more information about Older Peoples Mental Health services.

Where to get more information
Person providing support

Below is a list of information sheets and websites to support you to move to new services.   

Screen capture of the Wordlist on the Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect website.

There are some tricky words on this Easy Read page.


For more information about these words go to