Mental health organisations and online information
There are mental health groups that provide information, support, and services for people with mental health problems.
- Head to Health helps you find mental health resources with their search tool.
- healthdirect provides information and advice on a wide range of health topics, including mental health.
- The Black Dog Institute provides
- mental health resources and information
- digital tools & apps to support your mental health. Healthy Mind is for people with intellectual disability. Their other tools may also be of use.
- clinical services. For example, psychology and psychiatry services.
- peer support including support groups and stories of people who have lived with mental illness
- Beyond Blue provides
- information about mental health and illness
- counselling support
- peer support forums
- headspace provides support for your people aged 12-25 years
- online and phone mental health support
- work and study support
- parent and carer events
- SANE Australia provides
- information about mental health
- peer support including peer support workers, peer group chats, and forms. This helps you connect with other people living with mental illness.
- counselling support
- Guided services
- advocacy
- Way Ahead – Mental Health Association NSW provides
- telephone support lines
- peer support including anxiety support groups
- forums for people living with mental illness and carers to connect with other people in similar position
- mental health information sessions
- a directory of NSW community and mental health services
- One Door provides a range of mental health services across NSW to support people recovering from mental health problems. One Door is an NDIS provider.
- Open Minds provides mental health and disability support services e.g. counselling support
- Grow Mental wellbeing programs provide peer support
- BEING – Mental Health Consumers provides
- Neami National provides
- community based mental health support
- residential mental support (for people who can be treated out of hospital)
- housing support
- suicide prevention
- clinical services
- immediate short term support
- Embrace Multicultural Mental Health provides
- information about mental health in multiple languages
- stories of people who have lived with mental illness